14 February 2025

11 February 2025

Toasty Tuesday


Avocado Toast French style at Au Sauvignon, Saint-Germain-des-Prés.

 When Avocado Toast, a favorite in the US, pirouetted into Paris, it soon took off and began to show up on menus all over the city. Avocados from Spain, Holland, Israel, Morocco and Kenya had been a plentiful staple at markets for years. And with already popular open-faced sandwiches called tartines plus a wide choice of boulangeries translating to a wide variety of excellent breads, it was just a matter of time. 

Cafés and restaurants rolled up their sleeves to give it their own spin - fresh herbs, seeds and mixed spices here, smoked salmon, a poached egg, crispy bacon, burrata, or a sprinkling of pomegranate seeds there.

 Today the very presence of avocado toast on a menu is a plus, suggesting an awareness of healthy eating. And while the Anglo crowd seems to regard it as mostly a breakfast or part of a brunch, many French still see it as a light lunch, a trendy tartine. - BPJ

Below: tried-and-true

80 rue des Saints-PĂšres
16.50 euros 

5 rue de Buci 75006
14 euros 
86 rue de l’universitĂ© 75006
12.50 euros
40 rue Guy-Lussac 75005
14 euros
"Tartine de La Poste"
124 rue de Turenne 75003
13 euros 
2 boulevard Saint-Martin 75010
9.50 euros 
NOGLU (gluten free)
16 passage des Panoramas 75002
15 euros 
10 rue d’Oberkampf 75011
11.50 euros 
10 rue Chappon 75003
9 euros 
8 rue Mabillon 75006
6 euros
6 rue de l'Amiral de Coligny 75001
12 euros
31 rue LĂ©pic 75018
10.95 euros

 Other locations: 
Les Halles
Victor Hugo



10 February 2025

7 February 2025

6 February 2025

Crochet crazy


A giant serpent coils around The Tree of Life in an immense art installation representing the beginning of humankind.

Brazilian artist Ernesto Neto
Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche
24 rue de SĂšvres 75007
On view til February 23



This evening:
Nocturne des Beaux-Arts Saint Germain-des-PrĂ©s 
gallery hopping - vernissages - meet the artists - live music - apéros....
From 6 PM
Begin at corner of rue de Seine / rue des Beaux-Arts


3 February 2025

Day after the crĂȘpe


Yesterday all over France the ancient festival of La Chandeleur also called la fĂȘte des crĂȘpes, le jour des crĂȘpes, Candlemas in English, was celebrated by indulging in what else, crĂȘpes, for a year of good luck and prosperity.

Below: w/traditional accompaniment dry apple cider

29 January 2025

Wake up Wednesday

Some good reasons to get out of bed.
Below: more good reasons


The French Bastards 
Boulangerie-PĂątisserie artisan
60 rue de SĂšvres 75007
Ten years ago today - could it be? - I posted my very first photo on FocusOnParis.com, a photo blog created and launched with professional photographer, former colleague and dear friend Wilf James. The blog’s kickoff photo had been the day before, January 28, a fantastic black and white photograph that Wilf had taken of tourists leaning over to gawk at the Eiffel Tower. From then on it was just me and my smart phone camera, and today, with over 3,000 posted photos and visitors from all over the world dropping in every day, what started as a photography experiment has turned into a part-time art project that has led to many wonderful experiences.Yet as many photos as I've posted - whether of food, fashion, travel, street scenes, cafĂ©s, architecture or Parisian lifestyle as favorite subjects - I know I've only scratched the surface. Paris is a city full of surprises, and I can be sure there will always be something new, perhaps around the next corner. It’s been great fun and I’ve met some incredible people - I could not possibly list them all here - and everything I’ve covered was always with an eye for what strikes me, details from wherever I happen to be, of places and corners that make Paris well, Paris. This seems to have kept the interest of the blog’s many visitors as well, and I hope will continue to do so. - BPJ

28 January 2025

Twinkling Tuesday


Last days to sparkle with holiday splendor.

Above: Le Moulin de la Galette

Below: Place du Tertre 


27 January 2025

Mocha Monday


A frothy café crÚme, an espresso and chaussons aux pommes pastries start the week.

25 January 2025

Weekend wonder

Notre-Dame Cathedral has resumed its place as the jewel of Western civilization.


The Relics of Notre-Dame, purchased by Saint Louis in 1238 from the Latin Emperor of the East, arrived in Paris in 1239. Saved from the 2019 fire they include the crown of thorns, a piece of the cross, and a nail.
Note: To reduce waiting time at the entrance, entirely optional online reservations (free access) can be booked just a few hours before visiting the cathedral.


24 January 2025


Tatiana Wolska

"Tatiana Wolska’s Belladonna exhibition nestles between the political and the intimate, offering a physical and cognitive experience where drawing merges with sculpture. Witches’ plant, good or magic weed known since ancient times, Belladonna, is both the remedy and the poison reminding us that its use requires subtle handling as well as great knowledge. Through the history of this plant, the exhibition promotes proliferation and dialogue in order to unite the familiar and the strange, lightness and ardor, suggestion and claim."

Curated by Marianne Derrien

Drawing Lab Paris
17 rue de Richelieu 75001

January 24 - April 20, 2025

22 January 2025

Window Wednesday

Light from a Rose Window reflected on walls inside magnificently newly restored Notre-Dame Cathedral.
(click photos to enlarge)

20 January 2025

Maison&Objet Monday

Last chance to catch the creativity and beauty that is Paris Design Week.

 Full program 2025:

Ends Monday January 20


19 January 2025

Sunday lunch

Since 1908 La Fontaine de Mars near the Eiffel Tower has been serving traditional French dishes with an accent on South-Western cuisine.
Below: the charm of a multi-course lunch en famille w/confit de canard, hearty cassoulet, more, and to finish (not shown) French regional cheeses, generous desserts


Photo below courtesy of website La Fontaine de Mars

La Fontaine de Mars
129 rue Saint-Dominique 75007 

 - With un grand remerciement to the staff -


18 January 2025

17 January 2025

Fashion Friday

 Spring may seem far away but Paris boutiques are gearing up even as winter sales are still going strong.


 Soldes d'Hiver 2025

Ends Tuesday February 4

16 January 2025

Throwback Thursday


During le Covid some businesses placed large stuffed bears in windows, outside on chairs or on rooftops, a reminder that good times lay ahead.


15 January 2025

14 January 2025

Tasting Tuesday

A perfect lunch on a wintry day.

Above: simple sharing entrĂ©e of radishes, sausages, cornichons; tartine of smoked salmon w/walnut cream cheese, hearty stuffed cabbage, a specialty of the Auvergne 

Le Chai Saint Germain
rue de Bourbon le ChĂąteau 75006

13 January 2025

Mocha Monday

Morning papers, morning coffee to the news of the Los Angeles fires splashed across pages.