25 July 2024

Throwback Thursday


La ville aux mille fontaines / the city of a thousand fountains with its provençale architecture, open-air markets, rosé wine, ancient streets and inspiring beauty is a crossroads to Italy and the Alps.

20 July 2024

Sit-down Saturday


Feet up, an iced coffee, a good book.


At the fountain inside the gardens of the Palais-Royal

17 July 2024

Weepy Wednesday

In the small garden of Paris' oldest church rain streams down the face of a bust of Dora Maar by Pablo Picasso.
"The New York Times called her 'a muse of Picasso' and the 'principal model for many of his so-called weeping women portraits in the late 30s and early 40s.'" - Dora Maar: how Picasso's weeping woman had the last laugh The Guardian 11/15/2019