30 November 2018


Blankets cozily cover backs of chairs outside a small coffee shop near Bastille.

29 November 2018

24 November 2018


Iconic Paris souvenirs at a bouquiniste stall, with Notre Dame Cathedral beyond.

23 November 2018

Politics for lunch

A regular at a Left Bank café holds his own knowing he won't be judged for his views or opinions.


If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell

22 November 2018

Fig heaven

Tartes in a local pâtisserie loaded with fresh figs, a perfect Thanksgiving dessert.

- Happy Thanksgiving 2018 -

["Thanksgivings Past": much-viewed post from 2015]

19 November 2018

Chez les voisins

An impromptu casual dinner at the neighbors'.

On the menu: crab avocado verrines, roasted lamb, platter of farm cheeses, heavenly dessert

Below: pre-dinner apéritif w/chilled pink champagne

17 November 2018

15 November 2018

13 November 2018

12 November 2018

Deck the malls

Christmas cheer takes over Paris department stores.

Above: inside Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche

November newsletter

6 November 2018


Caricaturists atop Montmartre on Place du Tertre display their skills.

5 November 2018

3 November 2018

Sans mousse SVP

What can happen when you forget to say, "Sans mousse s'il vous plaît!" (no foam please) ordering coffee at a Paris café.

2 November 2018

Art brut Japonais

Worth a detour.

"Art Brut Japonais II"

Ends March 10, 2019

Musée d'Art Naïf
Halle Saint-Pierre
2 rue Ronsard 75018

1 November 2018